Sunday, September 24, 2006

I brag on this because no one from college reads it.

The whole story: I came to Gordon. I saw the first show and was not very impressed and was not sure if I still wanted to do theatre. I remember seeing a performance while I was out here by an improv group called "The SweatyTooth Madmen" and they were absolutely hilarious. So I thought I would audition for it. A few weeks went by and it did not see any signs or posters about auditions. Discouraged I did not really think about it.

Then one beautiful day I recieved an emai that said "Auditions for STMM (SweatyTooth Madmen). I was extremely excited to put it very ineloquently. They had 2 auditions and anyone could show up and play improv games and that was the audition. Well I went the first night right after my 3 HOUR LONG BIOLOGY LAB (which is already after a day of classes). My lab finished at 8:30 and the auditions started at 8:30. Needless to say, I ran.

Extremely tired I played freeze, among many other improv games. I felt that I did alright. Then they said that if anyone wanted to come back for auditions (more games) tomorrow, they could. So I returned the next day (after babysitting for a few hours, which is extremely draining because it is 2 little ADHD boys.) I felt like I did horrible, but I did not really care because I did pretty good the first night.

Between the 2 auditions there had been about 25 people who auditioned. I thought maybe I had done well enough to get a callback (but wasn't exactly going to be surprised if I didn't). I look at the board and I see I got called back. This alone was enough to make me happy. To be a freshmen with no college experience and get called back. What is cool is that another guy on my floor also got called back.

I went to call backs the next night and did the best I could. But some of the people there were absolutely hilarious!

Clarifying the ending and why it is so cool: STMM has only 8 members, not 8 new additions, 8 people in the whole cast (freshmen, sophmore...etc). Also except for the two leaders (who are appointed by the previous leaders) everyone has to reaudition. So I am in call backs with people who have already been in STMM and know what it is about. They take 6 "new" (this includes the returning people who have been in it previous years) people.

Skip ahead about 3 hours after call backs and I am sitting studying for my biology test (which I think I did alright on) when one of the kids who did not get call back comes in a says "hey they posted the cast list." In my previous high school years I would immediately go to see it, but it was 12:30 at night and I really needed to study for biology so I just said "That's nice". Well he asked me if I wanted to know what happened. Normally I would hate this. I can't stand it when people tell me if I made it in or not, but considering how tired I was and whether I would have time to check it next day (Not to mention I really didn't want to see my name not on the list which I knew it wouldn't be) I said yes.

The honestly shocking part...

I got in.

I sat there in shock for second for two and then remebered the other guy on my floor and asked if he had made it in and he said yes he had. Naturally this called for an immediate celebration with the other guy. I thought it was amazing that I got in and blah blah blah I went back to studying.

The cool part. I went and looked at everyone who made it. And let's put up a few stats.
1. Of the 8 people, 2 are freshmen (me and the other guy)
2. Of the 8 people, 5 are upper classmen.
3. Of the 8 people, I am pretty sure 5 are returning members.
4. This isn't really a stat but by me getting in , that means I beat out a bunch of other really good people and one or two upperclassmen who are theatre majors.

We do 4-6 shows a year plus we are competing against other improv troupes in Boston.

I can't tell you how excited I am about this! (But here are a few pictures to help.) (So I was going to put up pictures, but blogger is being stupid and not loading them so just use your imagination till blogger gets its act together.)


Blogger Amanda said...

YAAAAY! I am SO excited for you austin. =) Was this the really good news you texted me about? I bet it was. I wish I could see the STMM in action.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

As I will clearly come down and see a show sometime

1:31 PM  
Blogger Sara without an H said...


2:43 PM  
Blogger JC said...

Oh whatever, I bet you suck.

4:32 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...


5:50 PM  
Blogger Dr. Austiagon said...

Watch yourself Jessica and Sarah, I will fly out to Colorado Springs and Waco and give you both a wet willy if you keep up with this sassyness. (Cierra that goes for you too since I imagine you might join in on this also.)

7:10 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

That isn't really a threat.

7:15 AM  
Blogger JC said...

Go ahead, fly out here, I dare you.


10:00 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...


2:56 PM  

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