Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I enjoyed theater in my high school days. It made me pretty happy. So I said "Whatever! I'll try and audition." I was too busy first semester, and the next play was an entirely female musical. We arrive at the last show of the year. Enchanted April, I know nothing about this show. I did not take Goldson's advise and read it before (but in my defense, I couldn't get a copy, and yes I tried.) I felt like I was kind of being fed to wolves when I walked into auditions. We did crazy warm ups and then I read once and he let me go. It wasn't that great and I felt like a corpse, but apparently it was good enough for a call back (then again pretty much every guy was called back.) Once again. awkward call backs. I read once and then sat there for an hour and watched other scenes and he let me go. I would have said that I was disappointed except I was not really expecting to get a part anyways. I pretty much don't think about it the rest of the weekend and when people ask I tell them I did terrible (because I did, no joke it was utterly depressing).

Then I got bored on Monday and decided to see if they had posted the cast list yet. I walked in the front doors and down a hallway where there were a bunch of theater majors standing in a group whispering and I became very annoyed with the fact that they posted the list on the second floor so I would walk past these people who were looking at me. Janet, who is awesome, and was also extremely bored, came with me. I walked up the stairs and there were a bunch of people standing in a small room and they pointed to the list and I looked and it did not say my name. Naturally I tend not to be the most observant person so I looked again and my name was on there. (Begin state of shock) David (from Sweatytooth Madmen Improv Troupe, which I am a part of if you only sometimes read this blog) congratulated me and Janet said the same and I basically just stood there in shock not really knowing what to do so I just walked off without really seeing who I was or anything. About 2 minutes later I realized I didn't even know my part so I went back and checked and I am the Italian artist/landlord named Antony Wilding. I still didn't know what to do for the rest of the day and I randomly became extremely excited and then sad and then excited. I told my friends here and they were excited for me, except that they will now being seeing me significantly less since I have practice M-Th 6:30-9pm.

The strangest thing is that there were only 3 male parts and I read for part 1 and part 2 but I ended up getting part 3 which I had never ever read for. I was sad that I beat upperclass theater majors, but I am not going to lie, it felt really reassuring to know that I did not get in because there was no one else but because he actually liked what I did. Shane and had a celebratory lunch (aka I bought him lunch with meal points). More random stuff. I was talking one of my friends older brothers and he congratulated me so I assumed my friend must have told him but apparently there were kids in his theater class (he is taking if for a core) that were talking about me. I am the only underclassmen in the show. Everyone else is a junior or senior. This is absolutely terrifying because I have no where near the same experience as them and they are really amazing. Thankfully of the 3 male parts I have the only one that does not "passionately kiss" anyone else.

Point being, I am really excited and I forgot to tell a lot of people so this is the fast way to do it.



Blogger Amanda said...

austin! i am so proud of you! =)

2:24 PM  

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